The Sooke Sensations synchronized skating team and their Millenium Cup trophy in January.

The Sooke Sensations synchronized skating team and their Millenium Cup trophy in January.

Sooke Skating Club gives back to KidSport

The Sooke Skating Club puts on fundraiser for KidSport

There are several organizations out there that provide financial assistance to those that need it, like KidSport who helps kids pay for sports fees and equipment. It’s not often that the favour is returned.

On Nov. 24, the Sooke Skating Club is putting on a fundraiser for KidSport who has helped a lot of Sooke Youth participate in organized sports.

“We wouldn’t exist without these kids, and some of these kids wouldn’t be involved with us without KidSport,” said Lindsey Haldane who is a coach with the club.

“We contacted them two weeks ago and they were thrilled. They never had anyone, at least not from Sooke, that has wanted to do this so they are excited.”

The Canadian not-for-profit national organization that spans 177 communities gives grants to young people under 18 so they can play one season of sport. They have donated over $75,000 in the last 10 years to Sooke youngsters playing everything from soccer to rugby, said Haldane.

She added sports are expensive, especially nowadays, and without KidSport a lot of families wouldn’t be able to participate.

“If we can help in a small way, we can keep it going,” said Haldane.

So on the 24th, all 40 of the skaters in the club are taking to the SEAPARC arena ice. The three to 12 year olds are first at 5:45 p.m. and will be skating laps and people can donate any amount per lap skated or just a flat sum ahead of time.

“The younger CanSkate kids, they’re going to come out and skate as many laps as they can. The next group will be the junior girls,” she said. “Parents can come out and cheer on the kids.”

There will be ribbons for the participants, door prizes for those raising over $25, and prizes for most money raised.

Haldane has been a coach at the club for four years, and has been skating since she was six-years-old. Her motto she said, as well as KidSports’, is “never keep a kid sidelined.”

“It’s cool to do something to give back.”

The skating club is accepting cash and cheque donations. To make arrangements email


Sooke News Mirror