Special Olympics bids fond farewell to Rob Smith

Exemplary volunteer contributed 18 years to Comox Valley organization

COMOX VALLEY SPECIAL Olympics bid a fond farewell to 18-year volunteer Rob Smith.

COMOX VALLEY SPECIAL Olympics bid a fond farewell to 18-year volunteer Rob Smith.

Comox Valley Special Olympics is losing one amazing volunteer.  For 18 years, Rob Smith has coached Special Olympics bowling Saturdays mornings. He has travelled with the athletes to many out-of-town tournaments and slept on floors for four days with 10 other people to coach at the Provincial Games.  On top of that, he DJs the Special O dances and has been our head cook at the year-end barbecues.

As wonderful, kind, compassionate, involved and friendly Rob is – with always a kind word – he has something of a stain on his record as the guy behind an infamous Comox Valley caper.

The theft of the Union Street Grill’s Mr.  Potatohead,  a favourite in their children’s area, shocked the community. Not long after his disappearance,  Mr. Potatohead reappeared with a digital picture frame and a sign reading “The Half-baked Adventures of Mr. Potatohead.”

Some of the pictures were of the potato man on an airplane, in the Grand Canyon and on the dashboard of a helicopter.  Rob was caught red-handed when he went back to collect his picture frame.

Rob brought that same great sense of humour to his volunteer work with Special Olympics.  He treated the athletes with great kindness and respect and was well-loved in return.  He has enriched many lives and strengthened our community.

Thanks, Rob, you will be greatly missed.


– Comox Valley Special Olympics



Comox Valley Record