Sports Briefs: Hockey

Alec Dillon was drafted to the L.A. Kings. Dysin Mayo was drafted to the Arizona Coyotes.

The very young Alec Dillon (left) and Dysin Mayo (right) when they first started playing hockey in Sooke.

The very young Alec Dillon (left) and Dysin Mayo (right) when they first started playing hockey in Sooke.

Sooke Minor Hockey ( made a significant announcement this week. Two of its longtime members have been drafted into the NHL. Alec Dillon was drafted in the 5th round (150th overall) to the L.A. Kings. Dysin Mayo was drafted in the 5th round (133rd overall) to the Arizona Coyotes. Pictured below are photos of the two boys in their youth.

“First team I ever played on was with this guy,” tweeted Mayo on Twitter, referring to Dillon. With that, he posted the photo below.


Sooke News Mirror