Sports in BRIEF

Canadian Freestyle camp, Summerland Jets, mens rec hockey and Summerland curling highlighted in sports briefs

Ski camp

Apex Mountain Resort is hosting the third annual Canadian Selection camp for the Canadian Freestyle Ski Association Dec. 13 to 16. It will feature aspiring Olympic mogul skiers from across the country. This is the first competition of the season for the 70-plus athletes ranging from age 13 to 23. These athletes will have the opportunity to showcase their talent with the opportunity to represent Canada as early as the 2014 Olympics in Russia. The competition days are Dec. 15 and 16 and it’s open to the public for viewing.

Jets supporting worthy causes

The Summerland peewee house Safari Water Treatment Jets  are learning more than just hockey skills from head coach Darren McWaters this season. Each month the team supports a specific cause. In October, players sported pink hockey tape in support of breast cancer awareness and anti-bullying. For Movember, not only did they wear artistically drawn moustaches, they got the opposing South Okanagan team to do the same for their Nov. 10 game. On Dec. 8, players and their parents collected donations for the Summerland food bank outside Nester’s and IGA. They filled a pickup truck and SUV.

Penticton men’s rec hockey

Bar One Argo Bison and the Hitmen battled to a 5-5 draw in Penticton men’s rec hockey league action. Kyle Fraser scored twice, while Dan Fraser, Tyler Judd and Matt Fraser rounded out the scoring. Mark Petry scored twice for the Hitmen, while Dave Sandrelli, Brett Van Riper and Anthony Leardo rounded out their offense. Another 5-5 draw involved the Game Time Sports Wolverines against the Cawston Cold Storage Best Damn Wings. Reid Jackson scored twice, while Jamie Britton, Aric Stickney and Ryan MacMurchy scored the other goals. For the Wings it was Lee Mowry with two, Tom Gabriel, Matt Sodamin and Mishak Potash.

Summerland Curling League

Mon Senior Men    9:30 am Dec 3, 2012

Stan Green                  defeated           Bob Ezart

Paul Cowen                 tied                   Lionel Coleman

Paul Martin                 defeated           Dale Abrey

Warren Parker             defeated           Don Skinner

Mon   men  7:00 p.m  Dec 3, 2012

Rick Drewnisz             defeated           Mike Lemke

Rob Robinson             tied                  Russ Lemke

Steve Clement              tied                  Stan Green

Gary Raymond            defeated           Ken Rae

Tue mixed   9:30  am  Dec 4, 2012

Bill Penman                 defeated           Bill Moffat

John Nicolson             defeated           Art Zilkie

Jerry Lidin                   defeated           Ev Gillespie

Tue  Ladies    7:00 p.m  Dec 4, 2012

Betty Raymond           defeated   Diane Krancenblum

Lil Blashko                  defeated    Michelle Robinson

Wendi Archer              defeated           Judy Beck

Wed Senior Men Dec 5, 2012

Stan Green                  defeated           Paul Martin

Warren Parker             defeated           Paul Cowen

Lionel Coleman           defeated           Bob Ezart

Clint Skinner               defeated           Don Skinner

Wed Men pm  Dec 5 ,   7:00 pm    2012

Glen Brennan              defeated           Ken Rae

Steve Clement              defeated           Eric Cooper

Gary Raymond            defeated           Dave Gartrell

Dave Tether                 defeated           Gary Wingerak

Thur  Ladies  Dec 6, 9:30 am  2012

Ev Gillespie                 defeated    RoseMarie Fenrich

Betty Raymond           defeated           Rose McNeill

Virginia Cundliffe       defeated           Diana Leitch

Thur  Open  Dec 6, 6:45 pm  2012

John Egyed                 defeated           John McKay

Jodie Brennan             defeated           Barrie Borrett

Eric Johnson               defeated           Dale Abrey

Glen Brennan              defeated           Tony Blashko


Russ Lemke                defeated           Don St. John

Ken Rae                      defeated           Gary Raymond

Fri mix 6:30  pm, Dec 7,   2012

Blair Stuckey               defeated           Mark Cameron

Tracy Waddington      defeated           Bonnie Young

Dave Hood                  defeated           Allen Tower

Ian Rogers                   defeated           Val Utigard

Fri mix 8:30  pm, Dec 7,   2012 8:30 pm

Dave Tether                 defeated           Debbie Bevan

Ed Harris                     tied                  John Nicolson

Nick Machuik             defeated           Ron Robinson


Tip of the week

The person delivering a stone must release the stone before the first hog line.


Penticton Western News