Sr. Golds bounce back at right time

The senior Golds bounced back after a number of recent losses with a 68-56 home win over the PenHigh Lakers

Solid defence: Salmon Arm Golds’ guard Dillan Olson strips the ball from a Lakers player and heads up the court in the last regular season game of the year at the Sullivan campus gym on Saturday.

Solid defence: Salmon Arm Golds’ guard Dillan Olson strips the ball from a Lakers player and heads up the court in the last regular season game of the year at the Sullivan campus gym on Saturday.

The senior Golds bounced back after a number of recent losses with a 68-56 home win over the PenHigh Lakers.

The Golds’ depth was on display as Norman Ambauen, Josh Kujat and Dillan Olson each scored 12 points and Dawson Mayes scored 11. After jumping out to a commanding lead, the Golds’ shooting dried up and the Lakers pounced as they clawed back to tie the game.  The Golds buckled down defensively and eventually shut down the Lakers offence.

“This was a bounce back game of sorts, as our defence had been a half step behind in the previous couple of games, and we were spending too much time chasing. Great defence again this game, which is important to have running right heading into playoffs,” said head coach Rhys Waters.

The Golds beat Penticton easily earlier in the season, and then lost in Penticton. Waters says that loss stung.

“We’ve worked really hard in practice, and it was nice for the guys to rebound and beat Penticton, making us 2-1 on the season against them,” said Waters. With an 18-12 record for the season, the Golds claimed the third spot setting up a semi-final playoff game against the second-seed Mount Boucherie on Thursday in Kelowna at 6 p.m.

Junior Golds

The Junior Golds basketball team concluded their season last week finishing third in the Okanagan North Zone Tournament.

The team defeated the Okanagan’s top Grade 9 team this season, Okanagan Mission from Kelowna 50-45 to take the third spot.

“We were a young team of mostly Grade 9 boys but competed hard against mostly older competition all season,” said coach Rob Neid.


Salmon Arm Observer