Williams Lake Stampede Association is gearing up for its Back in the Saddle Bull Riding event, slated for two days, Sept. 5-6, with bull riding, a wild horse race, dash for cash flat race and a grandstand show featuring Karen Lee Batten and The Hillside Outlaws. (Angie Mindus file photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

Stampede association seeking volunteers for Back in the Saddle Bull Riding event

Anyone interested can contact Chantelle Wessels via Facebook messenger or at wess_ct@hotmail.com

As the Williams Lake Stampede Association continues to lay the groundwork for its Back in the Saddle Bull Riding event Sept. 5-6, organizers are reaching out to the community.

“We need volunteers to collect tickets, wristbands for people both in the grandstand and infield, and security also,” said Williams Lake Stampede director Chantelle Wessels. “We also need volunteers for the grandstand show to do the same. For the arena and beer gardens, I think we are covered.”

Anyone interested in helping out with the event as a volunteer in those wide variety of positions is asked to contact Wessels via Facebook messenger or at wess_ct@hotmail.com.

In addition, food truck vendors are also being sought after for the event.

The WLSA announced its return event late July to much fanfare from the community after the COVID-19 pandemic forced the cancellation of the annual Williams Lake Stampede for the past two years.

The Back in the Saddle Bull Riding event will be hosted in conjunction with the Bull Riders of Canada over two days, and will also feature the fan-favourite wild horse race and cowgirls flat races at the Williams Lake Stampede Grounds.

READ MORE: Stampede association announces Back in the Saddle Bull Riding event for Sept. 5-6 in Williams Lake

In addition to the bull riding, wild horse race and cowgirls flat race, there will be grandstand show featuring B.C. country music artist Karen Lee Batten and the Hillside Outlaws on Sunday night, Sept. 6. The concert gets underway at 8 p.m. and tickets are $20 each.

For the rodeo festival, tickets are $20 for adults, while youth under 12 and seniors 65 and up are $12. VIP tickets are $25 each.

They are available online only at www.williamslakestampede.com.

This weekend on Sunday, Aug. 22, the WLSA invites anyone interested to visit the Stampede Grounds for a work bee and social gathering where they will be serving hot dogs and refreshments.


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Williams Lake Tribune