Stevens, Hansen fire low gross

Over 60 golfers hit the links at 108 Golf Resort for weekly round

Sixty-four golfers took part in a nine-hole, 108 Men’s Club round on May 13.

Chris Stevens and Lee Hansen each shot 34, the lowest gross score of the day at the 108 Golf Resort.

John Kuharski (32) and John McNeil (34) shot lowest net in the first flight.

In the second flight, Rick Lunsted (38) and Dennis Thompson (41) were the lowest gross scorers. Leonard Van D. (32) was lowest net, followed by Doug Johnston (35).

Jim French (38) shot low gross in the third flight, followed by Rob Kielman (40). Larry McKave (30) and Spence Henderson (34) led the way in low net scoring in the third flight.

Ron Kelly (41) shot low gross in the fourth flight, followed by Ron Thurston (44). Dean McNabb (32) shot low net followed by Larry Watrich (34).

Stevens and Lunsted shot closest to the pin on No. 15. Jim French and Kelly shot closest on No. 12. Eric Ohlund and Merle Ross made the longest putts on No. 13 and Marvin Declare and Thurston hit longest putts on No. 16.

Shane Wilkie in the first flight and Ron Vandermay in the second flight won deuces.

Forty four golfers hit the 108 Golf Resort for the first Men’s Club round of the season on May 6.

Bill Baerg (37) shot lowest gross in the first flight, followed by Stevens (38). Mark Larson (35) and Matt McNeil (35) led the low net shooters in the first flight.

In the second flight, Bill Graham (42) and Brian Coldwell (43) shot lowest gross. Lunsted (36) and Declare (37) shot lowest net.

Jamie Crellin (40) shot lowest gross in the third flight, followed by Rob Kiclman (41). French (32) and Laurie Miclash (35) fired lowest net.

In the fourth flight, Doug Johnston (43) shot low gross followed by Herm Dutchuck (48). Len Sanford (34) and Eric De Santeis (38) shot low net in the fourth flight.

Closest to the pin on No. 4 was Baerg in the first flight and Met Boyson on No. 8 in the third flight.

Bill Harris hit the longest drive on No. 2 in the first flight. Greg Aiken, in the second flight, hit furthest from the box on No. 2. Met Boyson hit the long drive on No. 7 in the third flight. Herm Dutchuck shot the longest drive on No. 7 in the fourth flight.


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