Summerland senior golfers use par points system

Summerland senior golfers use par points system

Leagues compete each week throughout the season

Summerland Senior Men

The Summerland Senior Men’s Club played on July 25.

This week’s format was a team game counting two players each hole using a par points system. Adding to the fun, players alternated between the red, white and blue tees.

Results: The winning team with 96 points was Dennis Glasscock, Graham Baggalay, Gulbag Hans and Doug Marchesi. In second place with 91 points was the team of Chuck Harman, Sandy McDowell, Reg Minty and Garth Humphreys. Finishing third with 89 points was the team of Ken Blower, Alf Vaagen, Bob Fortune and “Old Man Par.”

Five players shared the deuce pot. Graham Baggalay, Sandy McDowell, Garth Humphreys, Art Ecker had one each and Jeff Goodis with two.

Summerland Ladies Club

On July 23, the Summerland Golf and Country Ladies Club Competed for the Summerland Review Cup.

This close-fought battle was decided by a two-hole playoff. The tournament winner is Helen Pybus with a score of 93; the runner-up is Lil Smith 93.

First flight: First low gross Vijai Vaagen, 95; first low net Wendy Archer, 78.

Second flight: First low gross Diana Leitch, 104; first low net Lynne Karaim, 75.

KPs (Hole #4): First flight Christine Haessig, econd flight, Barb Oleschuk.

Long Putts: First flight Wendy Archer on Hole #18, second flight Norma Chambers on Hole #9.

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