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Summerland Senior Men’s Club holds team golf event

Two net scores per hole were counted on April 22

Summerland Ladies Club

On Tuesday, April 20, the Summerland Golf and Country Ladies Club played a low gross/low net event.

First flight: First low gross Carol Mulligan, 90; second low gross Vijai Vaagen, 95; first low net Linda Brussee, 75; second low net (tie) Pat Gartrell and Lil Smith, 81.

Second flight: First low gross Marie Gallant 103; second low gross (tie) Diana Leitch and Janis Goll, 105; first low net Norma Chambers, 77; second low net Betsy McAndrew, 79.

READ ALSO: Summerland golfers hold all net event

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Summerland Senior Men

On April 22, the Summerland Senior Men’s Club format was a team event counting two net scores per hole.

The winning team with 87 points was Dave Carleton, Gary Hollingshead, Art Lappalainen and Ken Bridgeman. Second place with 85 points Warren Julien, John Grimston, Alf Vaagen and Denis Wright. Third place with 84 points went to Dennis Glasscock, Stew Macaulay and Bob Dickeson. Fourth place with 81 points was Bill Webster, Rick Drewnisz, Andy Webster and Dave Hellard.

Five players shared the deuce pot, Garth Humphreys, Frank Davie, Al Thomas, Denis Wright and Art Lappalainen.

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