Sunnydale men in fine form

Wednesday Men's Night invite others to join them for round of golf




Sunnydale Wednesday Men’s Night results from May 21 were as follows:

0-10: Low gross – Dan Woods 39. Low net – Silvio Alberti 34.5, Doug Rushton 35.5.

11+: Low gross – Viking  40, Randy Bennett 42. Low net – Shawn 32, Corey Nickerson 38

Long Putt #6 Scotty Mattoon (hat from Sleemans), Long Putt #9 Silvio Alberti (shirt from Sleemans).

A fun night at Sunnydale is guaranteed for any golfers that show up. Stay tuned for more and better prizes coming up shortly, and more fun. Come on out on Sunday mornings by 8 a.m. for a shotgun start and Wednesday night at 5:30 for a 6 p.m. start.


– Sunnydale Men’s Golf



Comox Valley Record