Sunnydale summer opening scores

The Sunnydale Golf & Country Club summer opening was April 8 with 36 competiters.

  • Apr. 11, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The Sunnydale Golf & Country Club summer opening was April 8 with 36 competiters.

Low Gross winner was Bryan Phelan (77), followed by Larry Ferguson and Joel Gonyer (79).

Low Gross (11+): Silvio Alberti (82), Ken Conttini (86), Rick Dawson (88). Low Net winners: Dave Patuluk (69), Gerry Koester and Bruce Green (70).

KP winners were Craig Follis, Joel Gonyer, Greg Koester, Alberti and Dave Pye.

Pro Shop Skins went to Doug Rushton (2), Follis, Corey Nickerson, Brian Slater, Bruno Flora, Bruce Green, Tyler VanAndroy and Bruno Flora.

Long Drive Pro-V1 winners were Thomas Drew, Ken Cottini and Larry Ferguson. Pot of Gold winners: Alberti and Phelan.

Sponsored Hole winners were: (Paradise Plants) Gerry Rautenberg, (Rob Speer Pro Shop) Carl Brunger, (Westview Ford) Bruce Green and (Mark & Beckie Clubhouse Caterers) Tyler VanAndroy.

Sunday Men’s Club, register prior to 8:30 for a 9 a.m. tee-off. Breakfast is available at 7:30 a.m.

Comox Valley Record