Super night for some at Ladies Golf

Super night for some at Ladies Golf - Chinook Cove Ladies Golf Report

By Leslie Stirling

I had the perfect game on May 8.  Hurt my arm on Sunday (golfing, of course) so just went up to the clubhouse for supper and prize handouts for our Tuesday Night Ladies Golf.  No bad strokes, no bad putts but I did miss the laughter and the comraderie of my team mates.  Hope to be back to normal (if there is such a thing) by next week.

Evelyn Lucas reached a personal best and took home the Low gross for Flight #3.  Congratulations Evelyn!

Like me, Carol Hindle also had a super night but she did it using her golf clubs.  She scored a 45 to win low gross for Flight 1; won the Bodi Mekanix prize for long drive on Hole #1; and split the Birdie pot with Deb Legaree.  Deb Legaree wasn’t far behind with low net for Flight 1 and the hidden score prize (River Adventure Co).  Debbie Rainer won low gross for Flight 2 with a score of 45 and had KP on Hole #4 (Carl’s Market Garden).  Sandy LeBourdais won low net for Flight 2; won the hidden score prize from Stamer Logging and finished her round with a long drive on Hole #9 to win the Shais Design prize.  Audrey Rilcoe scored a deuce to pick up a sizable deuce pot.

We had a few double prize winners.  Susan Newberry won long drive on Hole #2 (Barriere Massage) and KP on Hole #6 (Ron Wallace Trucking).  Angie Rainer won “Closest to the New Driver” on Hole #3 (Country Store Antiques) and KP in 2 on Hole #7 (Knights Inn).  Vicki Hoffer had a KP on Hole #4 (Barb and Carman Smith) and a long putt on Hole #8 (Rainer Custom Cutting).  Leslie LeBourdais won with a long drive on Hole #8 (Our Little Secret Consignment Store) and a long putt on Hole #9 (Station House Restaurant).

Other prize winners were:  Lois Keller (Barriere A&W) for a long drive on Hole #1; Donna Salle (Barriere Irly Building) for a long putt on Hole #1; Betty Foote (Carol Patton, CGA) for KP on Hole #4; Tanya DesJarlais (Crystlee’s Hair Design) for a long drive on Hole #5; Chris LeCerf (Estylo Hair Design) for a long putt on Hole #5; and Joanne Lyle (Jul’R by Lynda Enochsen) for a long putt on Hole #5.  Putt prizes went to Karen Peterson (Val-Bella Studio) for least putts and Vreny Kempter (AG Foods) for most putts.

As far as the REST IN PEACE prize from North Thompson Funeral Services goes, we had so many ladies hit their ball into the gully that Deb and I thought we might start giving the prize to ladies who actually fall into the gully (just joking).

And that is the way it was….on Tuesday, May 8th.  See you on Tuesday this week.  If we are lucky the sun might show up as well.


Barriere Star Journal