Supporters want to see Tommy Boyce in B.C. Sports Hall of Fame

When it comes to being inducted into the BC Sports Hall of Fame, Tommy Boyce has some heavy hitters in his corner.



When it comes to being inducted into the BC Sports Hall of Fame, Tommy Boyce has some heavy hitters in his corner.

The list of luminaries supporting his nomination include Roy Nosella (former Vancouver Athletic Commission chair), Gary Stevens (member B.C Sports Hall of Fame, Burnaby Sports Hall of Fame, Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame), Mike Gilmore (B.C. Soccer Association board of directors for 15 years), Jack Duke (who took over the Astoria Boxing club from Tommy’s dad) and numerous rugby and soccer teammates have all endorsed Boyce with ringing accolades of his accomplishments both inside and outside the squared circle.

“Tommy, by many, was judged the best boxer pound for pound to come along in many years.” – Mike Gilmore

“Aside from his boxing history, Tommy has contributed to society by coaching and volunteering most of his adult life for youngsters and challenged individuals.” – Ken Gardiner

“Tom was a gifted milti-sport athlete having played box lacrosse, soccer and rugby … He was legendary tough in and out of the ring but to those who know him, Tom is a very sensitive soul.” – Jack Duke

“I am confident that Tommy would have been successful in any sport he undertook. Tommy’s exploits as a boxer have been well documented over the years and his many titles have earned him the respect of the athletic community.” – Gary Stevens

A common theme of the letters of nomination was surprise that Boyce was not already in the hall. “It was brought to my attention recently that Tommy Boyce had not been previously inducted into the B.C. Sports Hall of Fame,” wrote Kirk Templeton, a school teacher who played rugby for B..C.  and with Boyce.

“This came as a surprise because I remember going to the former PNE home of the Hall of Fame and seeing pictures of him boxing. I assumed he was already a member.

“Researching the ‘net I discovered that while nominated in 2002 Tommy’s nomination is sitting inactive and in fact he is not a member. I am adding my name to the list of people who wish to see Tommy Boyce inducted into the B.C. Sports Hall of Fame in 2012,” Templeton added.









Comox Valley Record