Surrey couple helps out at BC Summer Games

Shelby and Tyler MacLean planning dances, sports clinics

If the 2012 BC Summer Games had a humanitarian award, husband-and-wife Shelby and Tyler MacLean would split the prize.

Shelby spends her day fundraising for The Centre for Child Development in Surrey and then moonlights as a volunteer for the Games.

Her job is to find entertainment for 2,000 teenagers on the Friday and Saturday evenings of the Games, which run July 19-22. Two large-scale DJ dances featuring photo booths and a tropical theme should be just the ticket for the endorphin-charged athletes.

But MacLean is feeling some added pressure in pulling off this event. Her brother is competing in the 2012 BC Summer Games in track and field  – and will be in attendance at the dance.

“I know how many hours my brother has been training, so this will be huge for him,” says MacLean.

She jokes her husband Tyler has been “voluntold” to also help out for these Games. However, no badgering was required.

“I love doing anything I can to help within the community and spend time with my wife as well,” says Tyler, community development chair of the 2012 BC Summer Games.

He has set up free coaching clinics for July 7 and 8 at the Surrey Sport and Leisure Centre that explore concussion prevention and athletes’ readiness to compete.

The couple’s supervisor, KC Gilroy, director of special events for the 2012 BC Summer Games, explains why they exemplify the very best kind of volunteer.

“They have fresh ideas, lots of energy – and they generously share their talent, enthusiasm and sense of fun,” says Gilroy. “A fantastic large-scale Games competition can’t happen without committed volunteers like Tyler and Shelby.”

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