Team Canada beats West Germany in 1986 at the Fernie Memorial Arena

Team Canada beats West Germany in 1986 at the Fernie Memorial Arena

Team Canada’s the Best – The Free Press Turns 115 years Old

Team Canada’s the Best - The Free Press Turns 115 years Old

Free Press Files

November 28 1986

It was standing room only Wednesday night at the Fernie Memorial Arena as the Cnadian Olympic Team downed the West German Nationals three to two.

Prior to the game Dr. Sparling East was inducted into “Club 88” The Induction into “Club 88” makes Dr. East an honorary member of team Canada. Hockey Cnada has been looking for members of communities throughout Canda who have made outstanding contributions to hockey in their communities and are making them members of “Club 88”.

Coach of Team Canada, Dave King, presented Dr. East with a sweater on behalf of Hockey Canada.

Then it was time for the game and the packed house was treated fast action 60 minutes. The Canadians dominated throughout the game but stellar play of West Germany goalie, Helmut DeRaaf kept it close.

The West Germans opened the scoring late in the first period. With Larry Trade in the box for cross checking Peter Draisaitl slammed in the rebound of Peter Horst Kretschmer shot, past sean burke in the Team Canada net.

Cliff Ronning tied the game early in the second on a funny goal. He went in on a two on one on DeRaaf, DeRaaf made the save and the puck bounce high behind the net, Ronning picked up the rebound from behind the net and banked it off Deraaf’s leg and into the net.

Benoit Doucet put Canada in the lead as he picked up a rebound off of Trent Yawney shot and found the net. The goal came on the power play with Jochen Moerz in the Box.

The West Germans tied the game with another funny goal. Michael Schmidt scored from centre ice with a slap shot that hit goalie Burke in the glove but dropped out and into the net.

The winning goal came on the power play again. With Manfred Ahne in the sin bin, defenseman Bruce Cassidy let a blistering slapshot go from the point that got past deRaaf.

Neither team managed to score in the third period although Team Canada was all over the West Germans, out shooting them 12 to two in the final frame and 39 to 20 all game. After the game Fred Rufiange on behalf of Esso, presented Gerd Truntschka with an award as the most valuable player for the West Germans.

The award for the most valuable Canadian player went to Cliff Ronning, that was presented by Ken McTeer on behalf of Labatt’s.

Helmut Deraaf, who was outstanding between the pipes for East Germany, was named the most defensive palyer of the game. Fernie Minor Hockey President, Gord Leffler, presented DeRaaf with the award on behalf of Lloyds Bank of Canada.

Later the players were treated to a sit down dinner and reception at the community centre.

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