Teens can paddle for free at Harrison Lake

No cost to join dragon boat team, just a willingness to learn

Dragon boat racing can be thrilling for paddlers of all ages and abilities. Since several teams use Harrison Lake as their training grounds, joining in the fun is easy for Harrison and Agassiz residents.

And that’s especially true for children ages 12 to 19, who can join the Optimist Eagles youth team. Since the team is fully supported by the Optimists Club of Chilliwack and the Elks Club of Chilliwack, there is no cost to join the team.

The youth team starts up on Saturday, April 19, and they meet at the Harrison Marina at 9:30 a.m. There, the coach will hand out paddles, life jackets, and gloves, and give a short demonstration on how to paddle. The group then walks to the Harrison government dock to their boat, for a 10 a.m. to noon practice. Gear is collected and kept at the clubhouse until the next practice, every Saturday at 9:30 a.m.

This year, the Optimists Eagles youth team will take part in the Harrison Dragon Boat Regatta on July 26, a fun event that draws hundreds of paddlers from across the province.

Coach Manfred Preuss said that they are really hoping to draw in more Agassiz and Harrison residents for the team, to help build a bigger club.

For more information, phone Kathy at 604-819-1676.


Agassiz Observer