Terrace family trio races together

A family trio of three-generations known as the “Reid Runners” compete every year in as many races as they can find in the north.

Megan Reid, Michael Reid and Michaela Reid at the YMCA road race in Prince George last June, one of eight races they ran together this year.

Megan Reid, Michael Reid and Michaela Reid at the YMCA road race in Prince George last June, one of eight races they ran together this year.

A family trio of three-generations known as the “Reid Runners” compete every year in as many races as they can find in the north, and are planning to join the 10K Vancouver Sun Run next spring.

The trio has run together for over nine years, and includes 69-year-old Michael Reid, his daughter Megan and granddaughter Michaela.

Together they compete in races in Prince George, Hazleton, Terrace, Kitimat, Prince Rupert and the Queen Charlottes, and often train together by biking or running around Terrace.

The running started with Michael Reid who picked up the sport at age 25 when his daughter was born.

“I wanted to be sure that I would be fit enough to do things with her as she got older… that was the driving force,” he said.

He said it was bit tough to get started running, but the Terrace running club at the time adopted and supported him, and once he got started, running became addictive.

Now 69 years old, Michael has competed in hundreds of races and marathons over the years, and just ranked tenth of 42 runners in his age category in an 8K Goodlife Fitness race in downtown Victoria October 11.

His running inspired his daughter Megan, who started cross country running in high school. She was coached by her dad and is now the high school coach herself.

“I was always looking up to my dad growing up,” Megan said. “He was such a fast runner… It was always something he had a fun time doing and he was a good example of physical fitness. When I was old enough to run with him, I wanted to and he was happy to have me.”

His granddaughter Michaela first joined the trio in a stroller, and as she got older started running along side her Mom.

Now 14, this is Michaela’s third year racing with her mom and grandpa and she says there is everything to like about running.

“It’s good for you and whenever I’m stressed out, I always go for a run and it makes me feel better,” Michaela said.

Michael agrees.

“Running clears your head. You can have a bad day at work or whatever the case may be… and while you’re running, your head clears,” he said.

He adds that having a daily routine of running or other exercise, “regardless of what you are doing, there is always one positive thing that you’ve done that day. You’ve gone out and done that,” he said.

Besides the stress balancing and fitness building qualities of running, it has also affected their diets.

“Garbage in, garbage out,” said Megan. “If you are not putting food in that is going to give you energy, then you are going to be too tired to go for a run or a bike ride. We try pay attention to make sure that we are eating for fuel.”

Michael says one of the things he likes about running is the independence and flexibility. With busy lives, it is nice to have something to fit in whenever you get a chance.

Megan adds that it is a great sport for anyone because runners can compete against themselves, and achieve lots of personal victories.

“You could come in last, but be thrilled that you beat your time by however many minutes over the last time. It’s always your own race. It’s so personal,” she said.

But the biggest thing for the trio is the quality time.

“I always talk with my Mom when we are running,” said Michaela. “It’s really special. I don’t know if everybody else has something they do with their mom and their grandpa.”

Megan agrees, adding that having that family time together is great, especially as Michaela gets older and hangs out more with her friends.

For Michael, he says nothing gives him more joy then going out for a run with Megan and Michaela.

“It’s hard to describe the feeling when you are running with your daughter and granddaughter. It is absolutely wonderful,” he said.

His advice to other people is to find things to do with their families. “Do things together. It doesn’t have to be running, but keep your family together by being involved with them,” he said.


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