Terry Fox Run successful

Participants, donations down a bit, but everyone had fun

Carter Barrick, 5, and his mom, Kathryn Barrick, gave the annual Terry Fox Run in 100 Mile House the thumbs-up signal as they ran around the 100 Mile Marsh on Sept. 14.

Carter Barrick, 5, and his mom, Kathryn Barrick, gave the annual Terry Fox Run in 100 Mile House the thumbs-up signal as they ran around the 100 Mile Marsh on Sept. 14.

100 Mile House organizer for the 34th Annual Terry Fox Run Shannon Pennicott says this year’s event went “pretty good.”

She estimates there were 50 participants entered in the event and they raised about $1,200.

“The numbers of people and the amount we raised were down a bit from last, but the weather was good, schools are out and people are really busy.”

Pennicott adds there were a lot of families and that is important for the next generation of participants.

“We had participants from two years old to 93 years old. That was really great to see.”

There is a good volunteer base to operate the Terry Fox Runs throughout the province, she notes. It’s a family run organization and they are very organized, Pennicott says, adding they ship everything out to the various events.

“We just have set things up; they send everything, and our helpers are awesome [setting it up and taking it down].”

Pennicott says she likes the fundraiser because 84 cents of every $1 raised goes towards cancer research.

She notes the participants who run the 10-kilometre route really like going through Centennial Park and running along the waterfalls trail.

“It’s a nice break from pounding the pavement. People who walk around 100 Mile Marsh really like that route, too.”

Pennicott says she will definitely be back next year to organize the event.


100 Mile House Free Press