The elephant in the room

Let's talk about the elephant in the room at Chinook Cove Golf Ladies Night

Leslie Stirling was treated to a birthday surprise at each of nine holes during Ladies Night Golf at Chinook Cove on June 9.

Leslie Stirling was treated to a birthday surprise at each of nine holes during Ladies Night Golf at Chinook Cove on June 9.

By Leslie Stirling

Nobody ever talks about the elephant in the room.  So let’s talk about June 9, which was a Tuesday this year.  June 9 is a very important day in history.  It is my birthday.

I awoke that day feeling a little depressed.  It was my birthday.  I was alone.  Hubby Bob was in the hospital.  If I hadn’t been so busy it might have actually developed into a real ‘pity party’.  I whipped into Kamloops early to visit Bob and had lunch with him in the hospital.  Well, he had lunch, and I had a birthday muffin that his ward partner gave me.

Rushing back from Kamloops I pulled into the Chinook Cove parking lot with only minutes to spare.  Deb Rainer loaded my clubs onto the golf cart and we headed down to the #1 tee box.  There on the tee box sat the first of nine gifts (one on each tee).  Yes, it was the lovely elephant golf visor.

We continued on for nine holes and I received a leis, a horn that worked really well at startling Joan Streadwick when I snuck up behind her, a wine glass with a tiny bottle of Baileys that I toasted myself with when I got home, lady bug golf balls that Audrey Rilcoe would die for, and many more all with clever sayings or jokes attached.

Trudy Forsythe, the grand schemer must have known how partial I am to fancy little boxes because that was what many of the gifts came in.  Deb Rainer gave me a gift on behalf of the Ladies and Trudy presented me with a birthday booklet signed by all the ladies and full of outrageous pictures of me in younger times.  Supper was finished off with a delicious birthday cake thanks to Trudy.

Susan Mitchell then made a presentation to Deb Rainer and I on behalf of Chinook Cove Golf for our years of dedication to Ladies Night.  This is our twelfth year.  We don’t do it for the thanks.  We do it because it is such a great group of ladies and we have such a good time.

And now…an abbreviated report on the actual golfing.  Flight winners were Flight 1 low gross Carol Hindle and low net Christine LeCerf, Flight 2 low gross Joan Streadwick and low net Linda Ransome, Flight 3 low gross Myrna Dundas.  Putt winners were Val Williams (low) and Val Aylward (high).  Carol Hindle won the deuce pot and Trudy Forsythe won the birdie pot.  Those winning hole prizes were Betty Foote, Irene Beeton (2), Tanya Desjarlais (2), Trudy Forsythe, Sarah Watts, Sharon Spooner, Marla Muldoon, Emma Allen, Susan Mitchell, Linda Ransome (2), Michelle Funk, Myrna Dundas, Betty Baillie, Evelyn Lucas, Darlene Nickull, Carol Hindle and Marie Hakes.

Although I didn’t put my name on any of the golf prizes I was the big winner of the night.  Thank you ladies for making my day so special.


Barriere Star Journal