The heart of Billy Barker Days: riding and roping

Billy Barker Days 46th annual Quesnel Rodeo takes the centre of attention for another year.

The scorching heat made for a dry paddock and many a red neck at the 46th Annual Quenel Rodeo last weekend.

The rodeo had less serious events to go along with the official cowboy roping and riding.

Featuring a wild horse race, where cowboys scrambled to catch and put saddles on horses, before racing them. A wild pony race, which was much the same, but infinitely cuter as the contestants were ponies and children.

During the intermission, the rodeo also had a flat race the length of the track and a calf scramble, in which kids scrambled to take flags from calves and win $50.

In the more serious events, Richard Glassford had the honour of taking first in breakaway roping in front of the hometown crowd. Chelsea Wallach, from Prince George, took second place, with Brandy Sledon, from Keremeos following in third.

Junior breakaway roping also had a local in the top three. McKenzie Wills took third, following close behind Kyle Bell, from Houston, in second and Troy Gerard, out of Savona, in first.

In peewee barrel racing, the Quesnel racers did well, as usual. This time around, however, Elly Farmer, from Savona snuck past the local girls to take first. Local Tyler Cherry was close on her tail in second. Dyson LeNeve, from Quesnel, rounded out the top three.

In junior barrel racing, Lane Wills held up the honour of the hometown by taking third. In front of him, Tosha Seits, from Savona took second and Bacardi Zimmerlse, from Clinton took first.

Local Gordon Macaiah showed the rest how to wrestle a steer, with his first place in junior steer wrestling. Jackson Scott, out of Kamloops, took second, followed by Jake Gardner out of Fort St. John.

Cash Kerner, from Pritchard, took the top spot in bareback. Orlan McGuffin, up from all the way south in Ellensburg Washington, took second, followed by Jared Marshall out of Prince George.

In tie down roping, Brock Herman, riding out of Knutsford, took first. Steve Pozzobon, out of Osoyoos, took second, followed by Cash Snaidy, out of Cache Creek.

Cliff Schup, out of Tatla Lake, took first in saddle bronc. Garrett Modley and Joe Roberson, out of Alexis Creek and Merritt respectively, tied in the second/third position.

Steer wrestling also had a tie, with Riley Isnardy, Cache Creek, and Craig Allison, Clinton, tying for third/fourth. Merritt rider Mike Gill took second and Cohord Mason, riding out of Kamloops, took first.

Brandon Daniel, out of Cache Creek, was the only person to place in bull riding.

In ladies barrel racing, Laura Jamen, out of Kamloops, took first, followed by  Judy Hyde, Prince George, in second and Joleen Seitz, Savona, in third.

The team of Willee Twan, from Alkali Lake, and Keegan Smith, from 150 Mile House, took top honours in team roping. Cecil Louis and Darreel Eustach, from Vernon and Kamloops respectively, took second. Aron Isnardy, Savona, and Archie Williams, Cache Creek, rounded out the top three.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer