Small salmon fry will become juveniles then grow to the delight of salmon anglers. Photo Don Daniels

The weather is heating up and the fishing will too

By Don Daniels

By Don Daniels

Over the past number of months, signs of salmon fry were reported around Campbell River at the Spit and also around Quadra Island.

For a number of people fishing has not started because the salmon are undersize but they will grow to legal size and give us joy to fish around Discovery Passage and especially when you can keep a salmon after mid-July in area 13 at the Lighthouse and Red or Green can.

Other anglers have hit the West Coast where the larger salmon are coming in. Folks are getting out to areas around Nootka Sound and to fishing zones up north.

The weather turned hot starting June 18 and people took advantage of it, getting out and even getting a line out for lings or just going for a ride. Even with non-retention at the moment for chinook salmon, a number of families took dad out on Father’s Day and many guys were treated to a fishing trip and lunch. Undersized salmon are in abundance and after July 15 you will see an increase in boat traffic around Campbell River.

Local trout action will slow down but upper elevation lakes will see some pretty good fishing for spincasters and those who get out and throw flys will match the hatch.

April and May were prime months for trout but water temperatures now are warmer and with the sunshine and heat, trout will seek their comfort zone. Like people, they will look to cool down and stay in the food zone. Ideal time to go trout fishing will be first light or evening hours; fishing the shallows can get you into trout action. Some of the best dry action is located between Campbell River and Gold River.

Over the past four weeks, a number of locals were fishing the creeks and now the fishing pressure is letting up. It will just be a matter of weeks before the pinks arrive here in Campbell River. The action begins in Sayward and word gets out pretty fast. Local tackle shops will have an abundance of pink lures and fly patterns. The small pinks, close to four pounds, provide a great deal of fun for the kids and adults alike. With warm weather you can forget the waders and get out in a pair of shorts and cast for pinks during the hot weather in July.

Ducks Unlimited Canada, for the first time this year, has put out a National Fly Tyers Challenge that is running until July 20. You can get full details by going online. Check out the events section, it’s Fly Tyers for Highflyers and there is a small fee to enter and you can win some great prizes. There are two categories, Tyers choice and Fly and Fowl.

Campbell River has plenty of tyers and it would be cool to have the winner come from this area. I will talk with DUC promotion organizers and give you the information to enter next week.

Campbell River Mirror