Time to put the bike away. NOT!

The key is just staying comfortable despite the weather

After such an amazing summer and fall of riding it looks like the rains and colder temperatures are on the way, so I guess its time to hang the bike in the garage and call it a season.

No, no, no. I don’t think so!

We live on the West Coast for a reason and short of a few days each winter, we can ride all year long. Yep, it’s a bit colder and a bit wetter, but a little cold and wet weather is easy to overcome, and the riding can still be loads of fun.

The key is just staying comfortable despite the weather.

So with some different gear and and a bit of preparation, we’re just getting started.

I found myself looking through the closet last week for a rain jacket, my waterproof shorts and a couple of base layers to wear under my cycling jersey.

On the colder days I throw on the winter gloves and a beanie under my helmet and again I’m nice a warm, no matter how bad the weather may be.

Now we’re all geared up to stay warm and safe, but what about the lack of light and the slippery trail conditions? No problem!

A basic head light will have you riding any trail you want at any time of the night, and with a slightly more aggressive tire choice and some lower pressures, you can tackle the wettest and greenest of roots with loads of confidence.

So before you hang that bike on the hook and start surfing channels on the TV, just grab your winter gear, make a few adjustments to your bike, strap on a light and hit the trails.

You’ll be missing out on some great riding if you don’t.

If you’re a little apprehensive about riding by yourself at night then check out the Swicked group rides. They go every Monday and Thursday night all year long.


I’m James Durand and I’m Goin’ Ridin’

Campbell River Mirror