Torrential rains stymie soccer

Despite the downpour, Sooke soccer players play on

Here comes the rain again…

It is that time of year when the weather effects the ability for us to play soccer.  Last week was the first so far this season we have had to close fields for practice and for games.  The week coming up looks pretty bleak.   Every year is different – some are better than others.  We can only hope that Mother Nature is easy on us so we can continue to train and play the game we love.  Keeping up with the competition means improving our fields.


With respect to the article on the front page of last week’s paper regarding the Sun River cash back to the community, we at SSC would like to put it out to the candidates running for mayor and council that we would like to see that money go toward improving our existing fields.  With the $300,000 gas tax contribution from the Juan de Fuca community and the money from Sunriver allotted for sporting activity, this long standing dream of an all weather field, or improving our existing fields with proper drainage and maintenance, is hopefully becoming a reality.


Will the District of Sooke be willing to hop on board and help with this cause?

Our growing soccer community is strongly encouraging investing in the future of our sports and the athletes we can grow with better fields.


Laura Lockhart



Despite field closures late Saturday and all day Sunday, a couple of Sooke teams still got their games in this weekend.


U-15 Boys arrived on the Peninsula pitch one player short, our regular goal keepers were away too so Dawson Deweerd stepped into goal for his first time. Early in the first half he had to face a keeper’s worse nightmare, a PK where the U-16 Peninsula opened up the scoring. He did not let this deter him but rather became even more determined to protect his goal, and for the remainder of the game he kept getting better! Hats off to the Peninsula coach who pulled off one of his players when he realized Sooke was playing short. With teams even, Javier opened up the scoring for Sooke sneaking in a ball pass Pens keeper, Peninsula answered back in the first half with two goals though. The second half Sooke came back onto the pitch determined to get some goals back, indeed they did with Andrew Todd answering back to them scoring three goals to finish the game in a 4-4 draw! Awesome game Sooke!!


Coach Rob Oyler


Sooke U13 girls lost their first game this season with a score of 4-1 favouring Salt Spring Island.  Sooke’s goal was scored by Allana Garat and assisted by Marin Clarkston.

Manager Carleen Dennett

Sooke News Mirror