Jackie Touchet, left, reunites with Ann Holmes, centre, and Lindsay MacDermott in the Simon Fraser Open in Prince George.

Jackie Touchet, left, reunites with Ann Holmes, centre, and Lindsay MacDermott in the Simon Fraser Open in Prince George.

Touchet places second at Simon Fraser Open

Jackie Touchet managed to come in second at the annual Ladies Simon Fraser Open held Aug. 6 to 7 in Prince George.

Jackie Touchet has only golfed about eight times this year, but she still managed to come in second at the annual Ladies Simon Fraser Open held Aug. 6 to 7 in Prince George.

The Prince Rupert resident took part in the tournament as part of a reunion of sorts – with her University of British Columbia (UBC) championship team from 2001. Unfortunately, only her former coach, Ann Holmes, and one of her teammates, Lindsay MacDermott, could make it.

But the three proved formidable, all finishing in the top four of the 80 participants. To her disappointment, Touchet came in second, right behind MacDermott and two spots ahead of Holmes.

“My goal was to beat both of them, but Lindsay played really, really well,” said Touchet.

Touchet struggled on the first day of the tournament, shooting a score of 86 – eight shots more than MacDermott. She said the turning point was halfway through that first day, when MacDermott advised her to just have fun.

“I played better the last six holes and then the whole second day, I played better, especially on the back nine. I shot maybe one or two over on the back nine and I had a couple birdies,” she said.

But it wouldn’t be enough. Even with Touchet’s much-improved score of 79 on the second day, MacDermott topped that too with a 76, beating her overall 154 to 165. But it was about more than just a game.

“We had so much fun. We said we should go back next year and get more people to come.”

Golfing is something that has been a part of Touchet’s life from the start. The daughter of golfing pro Moe Hayes, she started competing around age 12 and eventually became a collegiate champion at UBC. Following that, she taught golf professionally at a course in Vancouver for six years before moving back to Rupert.

It’s the competition that really gets her, she says.

“I like the competitiveness. That’s my favourite part of any sport. I like the sport of golf itself, but I really enjoy playing competitive golf.”


The Northern View