Tournament breaks the ice

Tournament breaks the ice

Justin Hansen connects with the ball during the annual Grade 7 Icebreaker Tournament held at the Esler Sports Complex Friday.

  • Jun. 21, 2011 12:00 p.m.

Justin Hansen connects with the ball during the annual Grade 7 Icebreaker Tournament held at the Esler Sports Complex Friday.

Hansen was one of 250 students from the district’[s 10 elementary schools who participated in the fun event designed to get Grade 7s from across the district together to meet before they move into high school.

Students heading to Williams Lake Secondary School played on teams against each other as did those who will move on to Columneetza come September.

The event is specially designed to include 40 minutes of playing ball in a fun format where nobody strikes out and 20 minutes of socializing.

“The whole idea is success,” said the tournament organizer Rick Miller.

Williams Lake Tribune