Towhee junior girls volleyball team showing skills

The G.P. Vanier Towhees junior girls volleyball team is enjoying a very successful seaso








The G.P. Vanier Towhees junior girls volleyball team is enjoying a very successful season. Building off fundamental practices and weekly game experience of league play, the Towhees have participated in three weekend tournaments over the last month, finishing third, first and third, respectively.

Hosting their own tournament Oct. 14-15 set the standard of working hard to accomplish their goals and were rewarded a third place finish out of nine teams for their efforts. Second place went to Carihi and first place to Cedar, whom the Towhees would meet two weeks later at their tournament in the Nanaimo area.

This time undefeated pool play led the Towhees to an intense battle for first place against Cedar.  It was an exciting match with the Towhees pushing hard to finish in a well-deserved first place, said coach Corinne Kerr.

This past weekend was the first of area playoffs for the teams on the Island, with the North Zones held in Campbell River. The Towhees placed third overall after a tight match in the semifinal, losing 15-13 in the third set, denying them a shot at first place.  However, third place ensured a qualification spot to the next tournament, the North Islands, this weekend. The top four teams at North Islands move on to the Island finals tournament.


“Contratulations to athletes Cassie Ball, Gabby Bouchard, Madi Gold, Mollie Green, Kristen Jorgensen, Sam McKay, Myriam Misener, Katinka Newman, Emily Novak, Tayler Redman, Vici Renwall and Jenny Veloso,” Kerr said. “Each and every one of you have contributed to your success thus far in a positive way and you should be very proud of yourselves.”



Comox Valley Record