Trail Smoke Eaters team up with non-profit groups

Trail Smoke Eaters team up with non-profit groups

Trail Smoke Eaters donate portion of every 'Welcome Wednesdays' ticket sold

The Trail Smoke Eaters are turning upcoming Wednesday night games into a win-win for everyone.

The Trail Smoke Eaters and the Murphy Foundation (founded by Smoke Eaters owners Rich and Annie Murphy) are teaming up with a variety of Greater Trail non-profit groups to help raise funds during Wednesday night Smoke Eaters games.

‘Welcome Wednesday’s’ hockey nights will see local non-profit organizations like the Trail Gymnastics Club, Special Olympics, and Greater Trail Minor Hockey Association team up with the Smoke Eaters in promoting ticket sales for its next four Wednesday night match ups.

For every specially made and pre-sold ‘Welcome Wednesday’ ticket, the Smoke Eaters will donate $4 to the non-profit group. The Welcome Wednesday tickets are valid for any of the four games set to go on the Wednesday of Nov. 14, Dec. 12, Dec. 19 and Feb. 13.

“The Murphy Family Foundation is excited to join forces with the Trail Smoke Eaters in celebrating Welcome Wednesdays!” Annie and Rich Murphy said in an email. “With your support in purchasing Welcome Wednesdays tickets, the Murphy Family Foundation will in turn match fundraised ticket sales up to $1,000 US to each of the eleven non-profit organizations participating in these special Wednesday games.

“The Murphy Family Foundation strives to build youth and community empowerment and feels that these eleven organizations do just that, empower the youth and community of Greater Trail.”

Welcome Wednesday hockey nights will include great intermission fun, local community spirit, and the hopes of a packed arena.

Season ticket holders can also help the cause by sharing their non-specific season tickets with friends and family, and purchase a Welcome Wednesday ticket from one of the local non-profit organizations, which include: the City of Trail 531 Air Cadets, Friends of St. Michael’s, Fruitvale PAC, Glenmerry PAC, Greater Trail minor hockey, J.L. Crowe Breakfast Club, Rossland Summit School PAC, Special Olympics BC-Trail, Trail Gymnastics Club, Trail FAIR Society, and Webster PAC.

Fans can pick up tickets from one of the participating organizations or at the Smoke Eaters office at the Trail Memorial Centre, Monday to Friday from 8-4 p.m.

The Smoke Eaters host the Vernon Vipers on Wednesday, Nov. 14.

Trail Daily Times