Transition key part of race

Editor’s note: This is the sixth in a series leading up to the Kids of Steel Triathlon June 19.

The “transition” is the fourth discipline in a triathlon. You may ask “what is the transition?”  This is where you change from one discipline to the next, that is, from the swim to the bike and from the bike to the run.

By organizing yourself for your transition you can save some time and frustration. In Mr. T’s Triathlon your transition is in the same place each time.  Here are some ideas for practising your transition skills.  Practice doing up your helmet.  Pull your t-shirt on immediately after getting out of the pool.  A dry shirt on a wet body?  Get your feet wet.  It is not that easy to put socks on wet feet.  Can you tie up your shoes if your hands are cold?

Here is the sequence.

Transition #1  we call it T1 from the swim to bike.

1. As you exit the water remove your bathing cap and goggles. If wearing a wetsuit unzip and start removing it down to your waist. Once you arrive at your bike you will leave your wetsuit, bathing cap and goggles here.  Plan to have a towel placed here.  You can sit on your towel to put your socks & shoes on.  Pull on your shirt.  Your race number should be pinned to the front of your shirt.   Put on your helmet and do up the chin strap before you remove your bike from the rack.  Failure to do so could get you disqualified!  You will walk your bike to the “Mount Line.”

This is where you get on your bike and head out on the bike course.

Transition #2 we call it T2 from the bike to run.

2.  As you finish the bike portion of the triathlon you will enter transition again.   You must stop and dismount from your bicycle BEFORE the dismount line (same as the mount line).  Walk your bicycle to your location on the bike rack & hang up your bike. Now you can remove your helmet.   If you remove your helmet before your bike is mounted you could be disquilfied!  Place your helmet in your space and put on your running shoes.  Follow the directions of the marshalls to the exit for your run.

3.  The finish is always the best part!  You will be able to hear your friends and family cheering for you.  Make sure you have a great big smile on your face and raise your arms in victory.   You did it!   The volunteers will take your race number and give you your medal!

Remember,  please be courteous and be sure to thank the volunteers and traffic marshalls on the course.   Follow their instructions during the event. They are on the course to make sure you have a safe and fun event!

16yrs – Adult

Swim: 2x week  warm up  4x25m rest 15 sec/ea 25m : main set 2x (2×25 -2x50m rest 15sec/ea 50m – 1x300m);

Bike: 1x week  ride the complete course;

Run: 2x week 2×10 min steady 1 min walk  stretch.

12-15 yrs;

Swim : 2x week warm up 4x 25m rest 20 sec/ea 25m : 2 x 50m  rest 20 sec/ea 50m: 2 x 100m rest 30sec/ea 100m: 1x 200m;

Bike: 1x week ride complete course 2 loops;

Run: 2x week warm up 5min Ez: beach run from pier to gate at east end of beach and return rest 30 sec do 3x: end with 10 min Ez run;

8-11 yrs

Swim : 2x week warm up 4 x 25m rest 15 sec/ea25m: main set 4x50m rest 20sec/ea 50m: 1×100;

Bike: 1x week ride 20min add some small hills or mountain trails;

Run: 2x week warm up 5 min Ez: Beach run pier to gate on east end of beach x2: cool down 5 min steady Ez run.

6-7 yrs Swim: 2x week with parents swim in the big pool use life jackets(if needed); try using a kick board 2x10m: swim 4 x 10m rest after each;

Bike: 1x week ride part the trails in Polson Park or some other trail 20 min;

Run: 2x week  warm up 5 min run walk Ez: beach run from pier to east gate and return. 5 min walk run Ez.


Vernon Morning Star