Trio bowls over competition at provincials

Surrey team now headed to nationals in Newfoundland in May.

Trio bowls over competition at provincials

Three bowlers from Scottsdale Lanes teamed up to win a provincial five-pin championship.

Jacob Fehr, Brendan Talaczyk and Stephen Laboucane bowled a combined 321 pins over their team average of 385 to place first in the Boys Combo Team category at Clover Lanes.

The Combo category consists of one youth bowler in each age group. Fehr was from the 10-and-under Bantam group, Talarczyk was the 12-14 Junior bowler and Laboucane was the team’s 15-21 Senior bowler.

The trio will now bowl at the national championships May 3-8 in Saint John’s, Newfoundland.

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