Left-right: Kayla, Mariana, Mai and Anita from Zone 4. (BC Games Society)

Left-right: Kayla, Mariana, Mai and Anita from Zone 4. (BC Games Society)

Trio overcomes adversity at the BC Games

Zone 4 girl's 3x3 basketball team fought through injuries and conflicting schedules

  • Jul. 22, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Making it to the 2018 BC Summer Games is hard enough, but when injuries and scheduling conflicts further decimate your team it can be hard to keep pushing forward.

That’s what happened to the Zone 4 girls 3×3 basketball team when they took the court at Ecole Mt Provost with no subs.

“It’s been mentally tough,” explained Alina, whose daughter Anita plays on the team. “But I feel it’s better for them to learn this lesson early in life. What an incredible experience.”

Before the game, Anita, Kayla and Mai proudly braided their hair and it became clear the girls are at the Games to lift each other up, according to the BC Games Society. They dribble, pass, defend and drive to the basket with all their heart.

“The changes to the team were a little hard to digest at first,” shared Mai’s mother Nagisa. “It’s going to get easier though. This learning experience is unique.”

A fourth teammate, Mariana, watched from the sidelines, unable to compete due to a concussion.

“I suffered a concussion before the games and couldn’t compete,” she said. “But I needed to be here to support my team.”

These challenges have brought these families together and bonded them through a common experience.

“Nagisa and her family are camping at Lake Cowichan during the Games so we visited them last night,” Alina told the BC Games Society. “We roasted marshmallows, watched deer come and go. It’s special to be here on the island. I’m always so relaxed when I come here.”

As Lorene watched his daughter Anita on the court he smiles with pride. “I played basketball growing up in Romania,” he says. “It’s a family sport with us. The game requires fast decisions, teamwork and balance. These are great life skills.” Clearly this BC Summer Games has imprinted itself in the hearts and minds of these resilient athletes.

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