True expressions

When I miss a ride, I get a little miffed

I am not a selfish guy (Hopefully Chenoa is not reading this).

Okay, I have my moments like everyone else, but generally, I look out for others as much as myself, and now that I have a couple of kids, that selfish part is being beaten out of me daily.

Yes, I spend a big portion of my day looking after other people’s needs. From diaper changes for my son to cleaning my daughter’s bike before her ride to school. From working late organizing a community event to working early repairing a customer’s bike so they don’t miss a ride. It’s just part of my life now, I’ve chosen this and I truly enjoy it. Until I miss a ride!

As you know, I like to ride. I’d even say it goes beyond that and I don’t just like to ride, but need to ride. It’s my way of staying fit, keeping calm…ish, and it’s just a lot of fun, so when I miss a ride, I get a little miffed.

But being an adult, I can’t do much about it; I just have to suck it up and move on. When I miss out on riding, I don’t get mad or frustrated. I don’t really know how to describe it, but it’s not positive. I definitely don’t know how to express those feelings, so I just get on with my day in a slightly grumpier mood.

First world problems right?

Last Tuesday, I picked up my daughter from school. We had a few errands to run and I had to get back to work at the shop, so time was a bit tight. I grabbed her bike and put it in the truck and that’s when it started.

“Dad I want to ride home.”

I explained that it couldn’t happen today because we were busy, but maybe tomorrow. Now with a tear and a slightly louder tone “DAD, I want to ride home TODAY!”

About this time two thoughts hit me hard.

One – What kind of Dad, who loves to ride and owns a bike shop, discourages his five-year-old from riding a bike? Sometimes I really hate being an adult!

Two – As she hit the ground crying and refusing to listen while screaming at me that she wanted to ride her bike and that she would “never ever never ever get in the truck,” I realized that she figured out exactly how to express my feelings when I miss a ride.

So if you see me out in my front yard completely freaking out, kicking my feet and screaming at no one in particular…then I probably just want to go riding instead of cutting the lawn, or washing the car, or doing some other mundane adult task.

By the way, we sorted out a different schedule and Rhyley gets to ride to and from school now, no more silly errands for her, let kids be kids!


I’m James Durand and I’m Goin’ Ridin’

Campbell River Mirror