Turkey Shoot this weekend, no shotguns required

The Terrace Curling Club is hosting an afternoon social this Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., and all are invited

At the Terrace Curling Club, ’tis the season of the Turkey Shoot – or skills competition for those sensitive to the fate of fowl. The club is offering an afternoon social this Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. for curlers to come together for some good old fashioned fun.

No shotguns required, this Turkey Shoot sees curlers play off against a flight of other curlers, usually eight to 10, in order to win a turkey. Each curler in the flight will get two chances at a particular shot to get closest to the centre of the rings. They will be marked by where their rock lands. The person with the highest score in the flight will win a turkey.

The club invites everyone from the community to participate, and spectators are welcome.

From the Terrace Curling Club:

You may wonder why you, as a beginner, would want to play in a skills-based competition. There are several reasons; it’s a fun, social event, it’s cheap entertainment, even if you think you’re not skilled enough… you are (trust me!) and you just might win a turkey. Another great reason to join in the fun is the sense of community. Turkey Shoots bring everyone in a curling club (or curling centre) together for a common reason. Participation within your club (even if you’re new) is what curling is all about.

If you’re nervous about going bring a buddy, your family or even your whole team. Even if you do end up attending by yourself I guarantee there will be people you know or recognize who’d love to show you the ropes and maybe have a bevie with you afterwards (even if you win the turkey they had their eye on!)

So don’t be shy, socials like the Turkey Shoot are what makes curling so great. Join in the fun, be part of your curling community.


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