Tweedsmuir ride a success

The Tweedsmuir Cavaliers Saddle Club has had a banner year in 2012.

More than 50 riders came out for the annual Tweedsmuir Cavalier poker ride.

More than 50 riders came out for the annual Tweedsmuir Cavalier poker ride.

The Tweedsmuir Cavaliers Saddle Club (TCSC) has had a banner year in 2012, with lots of riding sessions, a great annual gymkhana, and a very successful annual poker ride.

The riding sessions were a real hit, and the last two saw 14 and 16 people coming out for them.  There may be a couple more sessions yet, weather permitting, as after the fall fair light horse show, many people know what they really need to work on.

The annual poker ride was an amazing event. With the unfortunate cancellation of both Vanderhoof and Smithers rides on the same weekend, the TCSC poker ride had an unprecedented turn out (50 riders). Of course, Mother Nature had a large part to play in that success with the weather forecast of +18 C and straight sunshine!

The winner of the poker ride, receiving 60 per cent of the poker pot, was local club member Pam Meutzner.  Second place was awarded to Jessica Stoakes, all the way from Calgary, and she received 40 per cent of the poker pot.

Brilliant blue skies made a fantastic backdrop for the fall colors starting to show after recent frosts.  The temperature warmed up nicely and coats and sweaters were soon tied behind saddles as people took advantage of the sun. Everyone commented on how nice the ride was.

A wonderful home-style lunch was provided by volunteers – chili, baked beans, and soup were finished off with a bun and a drink for every participant. Everyone seemed happy with the trails, making good use of the Omineca Ski Trails network – the ski club had even mowed the trails recently.

All in all, another great event for the TCSC – well done we couldn’t have done it without the volunteers: Kim, Liz, Brenda, Sharon, Randy, Michelle, Valerie, Be, Rhonda, Kristi, Karen, Eric, Donna and anyone else we may have missed – your efforts are very much appreciated.



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