The Alberni Golf Club is located on Cherry Creek Road. (FILE PHOTO)

Two-man best ball tourney draws high number of Alberni Men’s club members

Duo of Fredrickson, Cheveldave win gross honours with combined 68

  • Aug. 25, 2021 12:00 a.m.


Special to the AV News

Alberni Men’s Golf had another great turnout of 60 men for the Two Man Best Ball tourney held at the Alberni Golf Course on Sunday, Aug. 22.

Leading the way on the gross side was the duo of Fred Fredrickson and Wayne Cheveldave, shooting 68, followed by Sam Parhar and Chad Wutke carding 70 in second place. Justin Sketch and Colton Buffie (71), Vito Caldarulo and Terry Argotow (72), Scott Staley and Jacques Giovetti (72) followed, then Murry Hawkeness and Mike Savard (72).

On the net side was the twosome of Dalton Moore and Masami Hirayama (55), followed by Chandler Shearer and Matt Mesic (58), Cal Davies and Tyler Ibsen (59), Charles Mealy and Doug Razwadwski (61), Ron Scholte and Trevor Primmett (63), Gerry White and Steve White (64), Ryan Kramer and Brandon Soros (64) Adam Taylor and Darrell Vanos (64).

All ties were settled by retrogression.

The closest to the pin winners were, Colton Buffie on No. 2, Spencer Rhodes on No. 4, Murry Hawkeness on No. 13 and Chazz Lazorko on No. 17. The charity closest to the pin on No. 7 went to Scott Staley, who collects $60.

Prizes may be picked up from the pro shop at the golf course.

The entire Sunday morning team would like to thank sponsor for the day, Pacific Brewing Co., for their continued support.

Next Sunday we will be having the best gross and best net competition. The sponsor for this event will be the King Edward Liquor Store. This event is an individual competition: play your own ball and record the best net and the best gross. Don’t forger to fill in your last name, as well as your handicap at the conclusion of your round. The closest to the pin and the charity pin will be in play, as will the four money pots.

Gerry Fagan writes the Alberni Men’s Club golf column for AGC.

Alberni Valley News