United bounce Blaze 4-1

In Thompson Okanagan Rep soccer

United bounce Blaze 4-1

The Tolko Vernon United opened the Thompson Okanagan U14 B Boys Rep Soccer League season Sunday in Kamloops with a 4-1 win over the Blaze.

With Justin Ruschiensky in net, United held possession for the majority of the game. United persisted with numerous shots on net.

Halfway through the first half, Alexander Jones sent a long ball to the box and Owen Challen tucked it past the keeper to jumpstart the offence. Landon Janke assisted Cash Anderson on the second goal.

Kamloops responded but just before the first-half whistle, Jones sent another pass to Challen who finished nicely again. Vernon’s midfield was marvellous, holding the Blaze to very few openings.

Jones took the ball up the middle to the 18 and coverted for more insurance in the final half. The United U13 Girls Tolko Strikers started their season with a 2-0 loss to the UBCO Jr. Heat Sunday morning on the turf at Mission Fields in Kelowna.

United came out flat in the first 10 minutes and it resulted in two quick goals. After settling down, the Strikers held their own and competed well with the Heat. “It was a big learning curve for the girls,” said Strikers’coach Rolf Hirschkorn. “First time on a full-sized field showed the coaches things we need to work on.”

However, the U13 coaches remained optimistic with the result as they denied the Heat any goals after the slow start. “We competed with them, so we will hit the training field and go from there,” added assistant coach Colin Clarke.

Jesse Mitchell was awarded the player of the match belt after the game for her outstanding work on defence and in net. The Strikers meet Kamloops Green Sunday, 1 p.m., at MacDonald Park.

Vernon Morning Star