UPDATED: L.V. Rogers advances to final at girls soccer provincials

The Bombers will play for gold Saturday after beating Okanagan Mission 6-1.

Naomi Perkins, seen here dribbling the ball earlier this month at the Terry Walgren Tournament, scored a hat trick in L.V. Rogers' opening game at the girls' soccer provincials.

Naomi Perkins, seen here dribbling the ball earlier this month at the Terry Walgren Tournament, scored a hat trick in L.V. Rogers' opening game at the girls' soccer provincials.

Naomi Perkins is making the most of her final high school soccer tournament.

The deceptive striker exploded for five goals to lead the L.V. Rogers girls soccer team to an impressive 6-1 win against Okanagan Mission in the semifinal Friday afternoon.

Darian Voisard scored the other goal for L.V. Rogers, which now moves onto the final at the BC High School Girls AA Soccer championships in Campbell River.

“It was our game right from the start,” said coach Chuck Bennett. “Naomi was her usual dynamic self but Emma Wheeldon was also great in the win.”

Wheeldon set up both of the first two goals with two perfectly delivered through balls to Perkins.

“That was it for them,” added Bennett. “Once we got those two goals Okanagan Mission just lost their energy.”

The final is at 10:30 am Saturday morning.

Earlier Friday, the Bombers downed Seacove 3-0.

Maddie Sterloff opened the scoring early in the first half when she drilled home a shot after a cross from Naomi Perkins. Taylor Zimmer doubled the lead with a brilliant chip over the Seacove keeper only a few minutes later.

McKenna Bennett then put the game out of reach with a well struck penalty shot after Emily Taylor was fouled inside the Seacove penalty box.

The Bombers opened the tournament Thursday with a 3-1 win over Burnsview before drawing Ladysmith 3-3.

Nelson Star