V.I. Raiders like what they see at spring camp

V.I. Raiders like what they see at spring camp

Nanaimo's V.I. Raiders junior football team held a three-day camp this past weekend at Merle Logan Field.

The Raiders started things the right way at spring camp.

Nanaimo’s V.I. Raiders junior football team held a three-day camp this past weekend at Merle Logan Field, bringing together more than 100 prospective players.

“I was very, very happy with how things went. It was one of the best camps I’ve ever seen,” said Jerome Erdman, Raiders coach. “You saw some quality play on both sides of the ball here.”

Raiders safety Cole Virtanen said going into camp, players didn’t know who would be showing up and what to expect in that regard.

“I definitely [felt] more confident as soon as we got together, and by the last day we were all flying around together, making plays and that’s always a great feeling,” he said.

Virtanen said it’s important to be playing fast-paced football at this time of year so as not to have a slow start to the season. Players and coaches liked the intensity of camp.

“One-on-ones were really aggressive; we had an inside rush session that was really competitive with a lot of physicality,” said Terrek Bryant, offensive lineman.

Erdman said playing hard is the only way to play football.

“It’s all out, with intensity; if you don’t, you get hurt,” he said. “We saw some great hits out there in the defence; we saw some great blocks by the offence. Guys were bringing it.”

He liked what he saw from quarterbacks, and feels better about the position than he did when he first learned that his starting QB was moving on from the program. Spring camp also revealed some strong talent at defensive line and with the kicking game. Erdman liked the group of offensive linemen at camp, but said he still wants more depth at that position and at linebacker.

Virtanen said he was quickly able to tell that there are some newcomers he wants to “go to battle with” and the organization will attempt to receive commitments from players come signing day, June 1.

“We consider them family once they get here and we take care of our family,” Erdman said. “Hopefully they’ll want to come play in an environment like that and win.”

Raiders get taste of the pros

Four V.I. Raiders started spring camp a day late as they participated in a higher-level camp. Virtanen, Bryant, defensive back Josh Paisley and receiver Dustin Rodriguez were invited to B.C. Lions evaluation camp on Friday in Surrey.

Bryant said with all his one-on-ones, he was matched up with an eight-year vet trying out as a free agent, and admitted he got badly beat. But the experience still made him feel different about his football future.

“Seeing that people actually invited me out there, it’s really motivated me,” he said.

Virtanen also said E-camp motivated him with his training, and he hopes to be invited back next year.

“It’s nice to be able to compare yourself to them,” he said. “You take certain things back, OK, that’s what I need to work on, now I know.”


Nanaimo News Bulletin