Valley golf news

Golf updates for the Fairmont Mountainside Men’s Club and the Windermere Valley Ladies Golf Club.

Fairmont Mountainside Men’s Club

On a very cool and rainy May 2, the pair of Bill Bergman and Howard Stafford won handily in a two men, one best net competition. However, on May 2, Ed Taillieu, arriving uncustomarily late, was able to wave his magic hand in selecting three blind partners and voila, won our “sixes” team competition to the amazed chagrin of the rest of us. His ghost team included Bill, Kirk Dawson and guest Terry Lemarca. A suppressed well done!

On a sunny warm May 16, the team of John Selzler, Steve Scheult, Paul Barrett and John Denhamer (yes, he’s back!) won our four men, two best net competition. Over the course of these three membership competitions, closest to the pin awards went to Martin Hacker (four times!), Dan Wasylyk (twice), Paul, Howard, Terry, Steve, Dave Gibson and Scott Powell. Deuces were rolled in by Martin, Dave, Paul, Bill Bergman, Bill DesBrisay, Wayne Geiger, Tom Gerald and Brent Dougherty.

— Submitted by Barry Jones

Windermere Valley Ladies Golf Club

On May 23, 18 ladies played Long Drive and KP and, except for a short, sharp downpour, it was a fine day. The winners were: in the first flight, handicap 1 to 24 — Long Drive:  Pat Andruschuk and no winner for the KP; second flight, handicap 25 to 29 — Long Drive: Cathy Howard and again no winner for the KP; third flight, handicap 30+ — Long Drive: Sandy Hemsing and Ann Way was the winner of the KP. The overall winner of the Long Drive was Pat Andruschuk and Ann Way won the KP. The Deuce Pot was won by Coreen Rault and Carole Stanford won the Putting Pot.

— Submitted by Ann Way



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