An Island Cup competitor races down Cobble Hill Mountain during the April 8 event. (Kevin Rothbauer/Citizen)

An Island Cup competitor races down Cobble Hill Mountain during the April 8 event. (Kevin Rothbauer/Citizen)

Valley riders among the best as Island Cup hits Cobble Hill

Hometown boy wins intermediate male U19 division

Hometown rider Elijah Barron was among the winners when the 2018 Island Cup Mountain Bike Race Series stopped at Cobble Hill last month.

Racing for Cowichan Cycles, Barron finished first in the intermediate male U19 division and 14th overall among intermediate male riders.

Victoria’s Maxim Ellison won the male 19-39 and overall titles, and Cumberland’s Aaron Amar was the top male 40+ rider. The female overall and 40+ titles went to Sarah Hauser of Courtenay, while Adele Lay of Eden Mills, Ont. won the female 19-39 division, and Emmy Lan of Comox was the top female U19 rider.

Other intermediate competitors from the Cowichan Valley included Pat Mould ((Aloyd Fitness and Experience Cycling), Tyler Leech, Brad Sinclair, Kevan Shaler, Brian Stone, (Stone Construction), Kim Grymaloski, Stefan Eberle and William Steele (Cowichan Cycles).

The expert male overall and 19-39 titles were won by Max McCulloch of Victoria. Justin Mark of Nanaimo won the 40+ division and Erik Ashton of Comox won the U19 division. Mical Dyck of Comox won the female overall and 19-39 titles, and Carey Mark of Nanaimo was the top 40+ rider.

Cowichan Valley riders in the expert level included Lisa Helmer, David Huntley (Cycle Therapy), Trevor Jones (Experience Cycling), Peter Stevenson (Cycle Therapy) and Matt Grossnickle (Cycle Therapy).

In the beginner ranks, Victoria’s Liam Sargent won the male U15 and overall titles, and Keith Yacucha, also from Victoria, won the 19+ division. More Victoria riders prevailed in the female divisions as Kimberly Chen won the female overall and U15 titles and Lex Corbett won the 19+ division.

Cowichan Valley competitors in the beginner classes included Jack Wilke, Tyson Walker, Joshua Beaton, Liam Mayes, Nolan Cook, Bennett Stone, Brodie Kelly (Cycle Therapy), Adam Brett and Todd Mabbott.

Cowichan Valley Citizen