Victoria curling rink wins Duncan men’s bonspiel

Daryl Horvath's Victoria rink finished first in the Duncan Iron Works A event.

Daryl Horvath’s Victoria rink finished first in the Duncan Iron Works A event at the 64th annual Duncan Curling Club’s men’s bonspiel last weekend.

The foursome of Horvath, third Bill Big Canoe, second Ray Waters and lead Bill Foster edged past the Campbell River rink of Dean Thulin, Lyle Boyce, Don Pennell and Tom Green in an 8-7 extra-end thriller. Third place in the event went to the Doug Muir rink from Esquimalt, while Wes Craig’s Kerry Park rink finished fourth.

A total of 23 entries competed in the shortened, three-event from Jan. 1-3.

In the Creative Woodcraft B event, Larry Mattin’s Duncan rink with Lou Oud, Warren Watson and Steve Romuld finished first, ahead of the Periera rink from Esquimalt led by skip Bruce Morrison and rounded out by Steve Strathadee, Carlos Periera and Jeong Lee. Mackenzie Pawliuk skipped his Nanaimo rink to third, and the Duncan team coached by Al Swanson and skipped by icemaker Nolan Reid, along with Bob Court, Rob Nikirk and Steve Conway, finished fourth.

The rink of Bart Sawyer, Gerald Poelman, Craig Burton and Keith Clarke defeated the Kerry Park rink of Richard Brower, Dave Shortill, Scott West and Larry MacDonald to win the Leon Signs C event. The Doug Gamble rink finished third, and the Murray Blom rink skipped by Leo Giroux placed fourth.

The Duncan Curling Club’s next event is the 50th annual Ladies Bonspiel on Jan. 14-17.

“After a number of years struggling with entries, this year has a good slate of entries confirmed,” club president Brent Dellebuur said.

“The organizing committee is working hard to mark the occasion and make it memorable.”

Cowichan Valley Citizen