One of the members of faultinetv focuses on the trail in a video posted by the group and filmed during a cold Feburary ride on Quadra Island. Screen capture from High Tides Winter Rides/faultlinetv

One of the members of faultinetv focuses on the trail in a video posted by the group and filmed during a cold Feburary ride on Quadra Island. Screen capture from High Tides Winter Rides/faultlinetv

VIDEO: A frigid Feburary bike ride on Quadra Island

Island's mountain biking scene gets some love

Mountain Biking on Quadra Island got some love in a video by faultlinetv and published on the website pinkbike.

The video, entitled High Tides Winter Rides, emanates from a visit to the island during a record-breaking cold snap in February. The -13 C temperatures didn’t hold them back from giving a thumbs up to Quadra trail riding – but they recommend going during milder weather.

faultlinetv describes itself as “a dedicated group of creatives, filmers, photographers, and riders living on the southern coast of British Columbia, Canada. We love what we do. Whether its riding our bikes, or capturing all the action on our cameras. We wouldn’t want to spend our time doing anything else.”

Campbell River Mirror