VIDEO: Cutting horse champ from Langley

VIDEO: Cutting horse champ from Langley

'I'm just a guy on a horse'

Travis Rempel said cutting horse competitions are fun, especially the winning part.

He isn’t sure how many championship belt buckles he has.

“I don’t know,” the Fort Langley resident said, laughing.

“It’s a lot, but it’s never enough.”

Rempel is one of the rising stars in the National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) with nearly a half-million dollars in winnings.

“I’m just a guy on a horse,” the modest Fort Langley resident said.

A guy with a string of major titles and sizable purses to his credit.

Facing a field of 500 in Fort Worth, Texas, Rempel finished inside the top 10 at the NCHA Futurity 2018 World Championship last November.

Rempel rode ‘This Cats Max,’ to take the Calgary Stampede Open Mecuria, the first Canadian to do so in 40 years.

The way Rempel tells it, he always knew he would do something horse-related, but he didn’t settle on cutting until other people told him he seemed to have a knack for the sport, which requires a high degree of communication between horse and rider to “cut” cattle from a herd.

“I had a lot of success and the more I did, the more success I had,” Rempel said.

“It just kind of landslided.”

READ ALSO: Langley rider fourth in top cutting horse competition

Rempel is going to Chilliwack for the Heritage Cutting Classic that runs this weekend at Heritage Park.

Cowboys, cowgirls and Hall of Fame trainers from B.C., Alberta and Washington State will be competing for over $20,000 in prize money.



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