Viking rugby girl tackles leadership bursary

A Viking is one of 16 recognized with a Coast Capital Savings Leadership Bursary at the 2016 BC Summer Games in Abbotsford.

Vanderhoof’s Felicia Brooks is one of 16 youth leaders recognized with a Coast Capital Savings Leadership Bursary at the Closing Ceremony of the 2016 BC Summer Games in Abbotsford.

Vanderhoof’s Felicia Brooks is one of 16 youth leaders recognized with a Coast Capital Savings Leadership Bursary at the Closing Ceremony of the 2016 BC Summer Games in Abbotsford.

Vanderhoof’s Felicia Brooks is one of 16 youth leaders recognized with a Coast Capital Savings Leadership Bursary at the Closing Ceremony of the 2016 BC Summer Games in Abbotsford.

“I was a bit surprised, out of 200 applicants,” Brooks said.

Going into Grade 12 next year, Brooks managed the senior girls basketball team, worked at a homeless shelter in Kamloops, and is involved with leadership roles in her church group.

Managing the basketball team was not only an opportunity to travel with the team to various communities in the province, but also to use leadership and organization skills to ensure that all aspects of the team flows nicely, she said.

A year ago in Kamloops, she started volunteering weekly along with her family at the local homeless shelter.

“We are fortunate people and we have a good life,” Brooks said. “I just enjoy giving them a glimpse of hope and having them forget about their life for a moment.”

While she hopes to volunteer in local services in the near futures, she looks to attend the University of Lethbridge to study financial management for her post-secondary education.

“I want to eventually get an MBA,” she said. “So i can run my own business, be successful, manage money good, and stay out of debt.”

The bursary recipients were chosen from over 200 applicants for their significant achievements in sport and education and most importantly for their leadership contributions to their schools, community, or sport associations. Each recipient received a $500 bursary to be used towards future sport or educational expenses.


Vanderhoof Omineca Express