Voluntary off-road vehicle registration extended to Nov. 1, 2015

Mandatory off-road vehicle registration is being deferred from June 1 to Nov. 1, 2015.

Mandatory off-road vehicle registration is being deferred from  June 1 to Nov. 1, 2015.

The extra time provides additional time for off-road users to prepare for the mandatory registration, while the regulatory details are finalized on  both registration and safety.

As well an ICBC-issued numbered sticker will be available in early fall  when registering an off-road vehicle (ORV) for those users who would  prefer a sticker instead of a registration number plate. The addition of  a sticker addresses a key request from off-road motorcycle and snowmobile  groups. The sticker will be a similar size as the number plate, and  combined cost for registration and sticker will be the same as with the  plate option – $48. ORV owners that choose the sticker will be  responsible for removing the sticker if the vehicle is resold.

In early fall, ORV owners who have already taken advantage of the  voluntary registration period and have a received a plate may exchange  their plate for a sticker, if they want, at any ICBC broker at no  additional cost for a limited time.

Full details are anticipated to be announced by early fall, with implementation for both mandatory registration and safety provisions to  begin Nov. 1, 2015.


Burns Lake Lakes District News