Volunteers cook up a storm to feed the athletes and coaches in Cowichan for the BC Summer Games. (submitted)

Volunteers cook up a storm to feed the athletes and coaches in Cowichan for the BC Summer Games. (submitted)

Volunteers hard at work making meals for BC Summer Games

"We just keep cooking and cooking."

  • Jul. 21, 2018 12:00 a.m.

By Hayley Picard

Upon entering the kitchen at Cowichan Secondary the delicious smell of cooking pasta is a little overwhelming.

Steam fills the air as green-shirted volunteers move efficiently between stations boiling pasta, moving it to cooling stations and then finally to food bins for transportation and storage for athletes pouring into the Cowichan Valley later this week.

These dedicated volunteers have found preparing food on such a large scale a little daunting.

“I’m in shock,” shares Melinda. “We just keep cooking and cooking.”

Yet, clearly the drive to ensure 2,373 athletes, 453 coaches and 246 officials are fed is providing each proud volunteer the energy they need to complete the task.

“Penne, spaghetti, fresh vegetables and more,” explains Jean. “We want every athlete to be well fed. They deserve a positive experience.”

During the BC Summer Games, thousands of meals will be served to hard working athletes and their coaches.

Cowichan Valley Citizen