Walk in the park

go for a walk in the park to celebrate Take A Walk In The Park Day

Spring is finally, officially here, even if it is still rather cold outside, with the snow stubbornly sticking around.  Time to put away the heavy winter jackets and wear something a little lighter when we go outside.

On Mar. 30, people from across Canada and indeed, across North America, will step outside and ‘take a walk in the park’.

There are lots of things you can do on your walk in the park – enjoy the scenery and look for signs of the spring, bring your camera and take some pictures as you walk, or try a ‘walking meditation’ – being very attentive to the sights, sounds and sensations you experience – this can be very relaxing, which in turn can reduce stress and help get rid of those winter blues.

Now that the days are slowing getting longer, brighter and warmer, this is a great time to go outside and get a little fresh air; to just enjoy the sights and sounds of the neighbourhood.  So go for a walk in the park to celebrate Take A Walk In The Park Day.



Barriere Star Journal