Piper George Batt of the West Coast Highlanders Pipe and Drum Band escorts soccer players on a brief and soggy parade around Echo Fields on Saturday afternoon as part of Soccer Day. SUSAN QUINN PHOTO

Piper George Batt of the West Coast Highlanders Pipe and Drum Band escorts soccer players on a brief and soggy parade around Echo Fields on Saturday afternoon as part of Soccer Day. SUSAN QUINN PHOTO

WATCH: Annual Soccer Day jamboree a soggy affair in Port Alberni

Hundreds of kids braved storm to play anyway

Hundreds of kids celebrated the end of their outdoor soccer season with a soggy Soccer Day jamboree on Saturday, April 6.

The day began with games taking place on every available field around Echo Fields, paused for a hotdog lunch and concluded with piper George Batt of West Coast Highlander Pipes and Drums leading teams around one of the fields in a players’ parade.

Although games were scheduled in the afternoon, an intense rainstorm prompted many coaches to cancel their games.

Players will receive medals and banners from the Alberni Valley Minor Soccer Association marking the 2019 season.

Some of the highlights this year included a Spring Break clinic with Vancouver Island University (VIU) women’s head coach Kevin Lindo at the ADSS turf field. Lindo was at the jamboree on Saturday as well.

Another special event saw 87 AV Soccer players and their families attend the CONCACAF Nations League qualifier between Team Canada and French Guiana match at BC Place on March 24. Team Canada won the game 4–2.

For more information about Alberni Valley Minor Soccer, go online to avsoccer.com.

susie.quinn@albernivalleynews.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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