Weather does not dampen spirits at Rotary’s Golf Tournament

Rain gear was soon put to good use, although we still got wet

Luc Pardis shows off the $200 he won at the duck race held during the Rotary Golf Tournament on Saturday. Eighty ducks were sold to raise $400 for community projects, less 50 per cent for the prize. Paradis' duck #181 won the race after duck #132, which was three feet in the lead, went down the waterfall and got hung up in a back eddy. Great fun was had by all at the tournament, organizers report.

Luc Pardis shows off the $200 he won at the duck race held during the Rotary Golf Tournament on Saturday. Eighty ducks were sold to raise $400 for community projects, less 50 per cent for the prize. Paradis' duck #181 won the race after duck #132, which was three feet in the lead, went down the waterfall and got hung up in a back eddy. Great fun was had by all at the tournament, organizers report.

On Saturday June 14, experienced golfers and newbies (like me) arrived at Lacarya Golf Course for Clearwater Rotary’s Fun Golf Tournament, money in hand.

“Almost a cow pasture” a year ago, the course has been painstakingly restored to perfection by hard-working owners Heinz and Linda Fitz. Eighteen holes of golf at this lovely setting, plus lunch, dinner and more, lay ahead for the participants. Prizes generously donated by local businesses, companies, other golf courses, and individuals were on display – enough for all players.

Leslie Groulx was giving her sales pitch: “$5 for one rubber duckie (for the race to be held after dinner) or four for $20”.

Everything was ready, thanks to the careful planning and organization of Rotarians Eileen Sedgwick, Sandy McKenzie and Kevin Podbisky.

Instructions over, chattering teams of three or four, walking and towing golf bags, or on golf carts, set off to each of the nine holes, umbrellas and colourful rain jackets aboard. The horn sounded soon after, starting the action.

Playing “best ball” reduced the number of strokes needed to reach the flag, although everyone’s first hit from the tee had to be taken two or three times. Rain gear was soon put to good use, although we still got wet while swinging those odd-shaped clubs at that stubborn ball. No worries. The rain stopped long enough for us to become “almost dry” before the next shower damped us down again.

After we completed the circuit, we needed no extra persuasion to stop for lunch. Then, in case we hadn’t got it right the first time, we set off to the hole where we had originally started and did it all over again.

The delicious dinner made it more than worthwhile, another example of the dedication of Linda and Heinz and their conscientious staff to provide a fine experience for all their customers. The weather at dinner time sent many of us inside, but the hardy had the added benefit of listening to the toe-tapping music of Jack Perry and Mary Stewart. Ron Hadley used humour, tact and experience in his role as MC, keeping everything rolling along.

Prizes were handed out for wonderful reasons like “the most honest team” (most strokes), sinking a ball into a pond, longest and shortest drives, and putting prowess. Each and every team came up to the laden table to take their pick; all walked away with smiles on their faces. Extra-special items donated by Helen Knight, Ray Harms, Yellowhead Helicopter and Interior Savings stirred interest and more smiles, raising more dollars at the silent auction.


Clearwater Rotary is most grateful to all who helped and participated in this golf tournament. Deemed a definite success as both fund-raiser for community projects and fun for golfers and non-golfers alike, plans are already in progress to restore this as an annual event. Don’t miss out next year, rain or no rain….



Clearwater Times