West Coast AGFC U14 metro girls on to provincial tourney

The West Coast Auto Group Football Club’s U14 metro select girls will be playing in the Provincial Cup from July 7-10 in Burnaby.

West Coast AGFC U14 metro girls on to provincial  tourney

Despite a tough 3-1 loss to the Upper Island Storm in the Coastal A Cup final, the West Coast Auto Group Football Club’s U14 metro select girls will be playing in the Provincial Cup from July 7-10 in Burnaby.

The team earned its way into the provincial championships by beating out Surrey Guildford United, Burnaby Metro Dynamite and the North Shore SC before falling to the Upper Island Storm.

“The team worked hard to get to the finals and it was a tough one to lose.” said head coach Graham Thompson.

“They’ll get another chance against this team when we meet up at the Provincials ”

Qualifying the U14 Metro team for the Provincial Cup caps a strong season for the West Coast Auto Group Football Club, which had 17 teams across different age groups qualify for Coastal Cup play, said Neil Turner, West Coast FC technical director.

Our club continues to focus on building quality players and teams through excellent and committed coaching focused on the development of each individual member of our club,” he said.

“We are proud of all of our players and coaches and are excited to have our U14 Metro girls in the upcoming Provincial Cup.”


Maple Ridge News