Mike Dutour can’t wait to get the golf season underway following the Williams Lake Golf and Tennis Club’s announcement it would be opening its front nine this Friday, April 16. (Greg Sabatino photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

Williams Lake Golf and Tennis Club open for 2021 season

Tee times will begin daily starting Friday, April 16 at 9 a.m.

With plans to officially open Friday, April 16, members were filing into the Williams Lake Golf and Tennis Club early this week to lineup their tee times.

Morgan Day, general manager at the WLGTC, said staff will be opening the front nine first on Friday, while the back nine will remain closed for the time being to allow for the grounds crew to continue its work, and to give it time to dry out some more.

“From our perspective so far everyone is very is excited for the upcoming summer and eager to get outdoors and get out of the house,” Day said. “A lot of the snowbirds who typically go south for the winter to Phoenix, Arizona and all those areas used to golfing year round, they’ve been enjoying winter for the first time in quite a while. In particular, all our older members are excited to get out and we’re excited to have everyone.”

Day said staff are anticipating another busy summer, with the first tournament of the season — the Chamber of Commerce ‘Swing into Success’ Golf Tournament — slated for June 5.

The annual Jordan Siegmueller Memorial Charity Golf Tournament, meanwhile, scheduled for July 10, also sold out in a record time of 16 minutes.

For now, though, Day said tee times will begin daily starting this Friday at 9 a.m.

“The majority of the course came through the winter in great shape, and the grounds crews have been busy out on the course the last week or so pulling the tarps, collecting all the limbs off the trees and cleaning things up ahead of opening,” he said.

The driving range is also open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and, combined with sunny weather this week, golfers have been taking advantage.

“Everyone’s been coming out and shaking off the rust,” Day said.

The popular ladies’ day and men’s nights on Tuesdays and Thursdays, respectively, are also expected to get underway beginning next week, Day added.

The Monday junior program will also be modified to comply with provincial COVID-19 guidelines.

“We’re likely going to be doing multiple mini camps for the kids to stay away from the large, group gatherings, but also more one-on-one time and better interaction, which will hopefully lead to better learning and more kids sticking with the game and continuing to come out with not only their families, but their buddies, as well.”

The Fox’s Den Bar and Grill is also still open with takeout and patio service available from Tuesday through Sunday.

For up-to-date info visit the WLGTC Facebook page, or stop by the website at www.williamslakegolf.ca.


greg.sabatino@wltribune.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Williams Lake Tribune